Monday, March 28, 2011

Angkor, Cambodia

The temple complex of Angkor in Cambodia is an architectural masterpiece. It was built in the jungle at the beginning of the XII century, then, two centuries later, by some mysterious circumstances was abandoned by the Khmers (previously it was their the capital).

Cambodia - The Angkor temple complex

Soon the jungle swallowed Angkor, concealing it for several centuries under the dense thickets of the rainforest. The only thing that could not hide the forest, was stony ledge built which was accidentally discovered in 1861 by the French naturalist. Soon archaeologists have revealed the world a magnificent Angkor. Today, visitors are stunned by the architectural decoration and excellent stone carving. Most striking to note exquisite female figures ("apsaras"), located around Angkor.

The temple complex of Angkor is the only facility built man in the past and that the size is equal to the square of Paris. This whole "town" is called Angkor. The main building of the temple complex:

Phnom - looking at it one can tell what a destructive force have jungle. The roots of a banyan tree entangle him like a giant octopus. Banteay Srey - is a tiny "diamond" of Angkor. Sculptures of Banteay are delicious. Angkor Tom - occupies a vast territory and should be much larger than its neighbor, the temple complex of Angkor. But its construction is not as well preserved. This place is more interesting to archaeologists than for the tourists.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Terracotta Army. China

The complex is the tomb of Qin Shih Huang Ti is the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty - is located at the foot of Mount Lishan in more than 20 km from the city of Xian in Shaanxi province. Tomb is    striking in its originality. Qin Shi Huang (259 - 210 years. BC.) created China's first centralized state and proclaimed himself as the founder of the Qin empire. Claiming during his life to rule over all the  kingdoms, Qin Shi Huang couldn't accept the loneliness after his death. To date, the complex tomb are discovered the ruins of more than 600 graves and crypts for burial objects that were buried with the dead. On campus the tomb of Qin Shih Huang Ti found three grand tomb in which the buried terracotta statues of warriors and steeds of war. This terracotta army in detail reproduce this military unit, stand by all the rules of the Qin empire.

According to preliminary estimates, after excavation of all three crypts it will be possible to extract more than 7000 terracotta statues of warriors than 600 terracotta statues of horses, more than a hundred chariots, a few hundred thousand samples of weapons. Statues of warriors and horses are made at full-length, the height of the statues of soldiers is ranging from 1.7 to 2 m, which averages about 1.8 m. Each figure is unique. The warriors are different in appearance, posture, facial expression, as if each statue was clung from real people. The height of the statues of horses usually reaches 1.5 m, body length - 2 meters long was found just a few of the statues of warriors and steeds of war, forming part of the tomb complex of Qin Shih Huang Ti, but now this the discovery is regarded as a miracle. Archaeologists say: the tomb complex of Qin Shih Huang Ti is too grandiose to reveal all its secrets. If to work in the traditional way, then to excavate the entire complex are needed at least 200 years. It is still unknown how many more wonders the tomb of Qin Shihuna hides, and for how long will remain the undisturbed sleep a mysterious underground palace.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Great Chinese Wall

For local residents and all foreigners entering the country, the Great Wall of China has been and will be a symbol of China.

At the entrance to the renovated part of it is the inscription of Mao Zedong: "If you is not been to the Great Wall of China - you're not a real Chinese."
The Wall - is one of the largest and most skilled construction and technical installations in the world. It stretches from the Liaodong Bay, north-east of Beijing over the North China in the Gobi desert.

Data on its length are distinct and varied. The distance from one end to the other is 2450 km, but if you consider the waste of its other ramparts, you get 6000 - 6500 km. The Great Wall runs across the border of China, but it is a protected area and only a few parts of it are opened to the public. One of such places is Badaling Pass, the second - Juyong Pass, they are both located near Beijing.

Its present guise the Wall owns the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the tombs of which are located nearby. In many ways, it was just re-built, earth mounds replaced with brick and stone reliable facilities.

Watch towers 12 meters high, sustained winds and bad weather, have survived to our days. Once with their sites in case of enemy attack alarm passed through the signal lights at night, and smoke signals by day. Some parts of this wall have been reconstructed to recreate the old historic look and feel with a more spectacular show of this marvel, built by human hands.

The Great Wall was built as a defense line to protect the Chinese Empire from enemies. Old people say: "If one protects the gate, then 10,000 soldiers will not go."